Tiffany Cassidy is a Canadian freelance journalist and audio producer based in Oxford, UK working in audio, print and photojournalism. 

Tiffany focuses on European and environmental stories. Her work is found in The Washington Post, The Globe and Mail, CBC, The Guardian and others.

She produces podcasts for private production companies and journalism outlets including The Guardian. She was the host and producer of Nature Talks, a top-ten ranked iTunes Science podcast about conservation and the impact of various ecosystems on humans. 

From 2013 to 2014 Tiffany was in Romania covering protests over a Canadian mining development, and updates to the Romanian orphanages and orphans born around the 1989 fall of communism.

Tiffany worked four years at the CBC in Saskatchewan, mostly producing long-form radio stories. She also worked across platforms, and was part of the digital team during the corporation’s digital-first shift.



Twitter: @tiffcassidy


Tiffany Cassidy is a freelance journalist in Oxford, UK. 


Gathers/interviews in English and French

Files and reports in English


Masters International Environmental Policy, Sciences Po, Paris

BA Journalism, University of Regina


RTDNA Digital Media Award

Ruth Shaw Award Yorkton Film Festival

Saskatchewan Press Gallery Award

Kay Robbins Travel Bursary


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